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How Long Does It Take for Robaxin to Work

What is methocarbamol-oral, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Methocarbamol is a skeletal muscle relaxant with sedative effects. The exact mechanism of how methocarbamol works is not known. Methocarbamol is presumed to work by depressing the central nervous system, leading to relaxation of muscles. The FDA approved methocarbamol in July 1957.

What brand names are available for methocarbamol-oral?

Robaxin, Robaxin-750

Is methocarbamol-oral available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for methocarbamol-oral?


What are the uses for methocarbamol-oral?

Methocarbamol is prescribed for the relief of discomfort associated with painful skeletal muscle spasms. Methocarbamol is also used for relief from tetanus spasms.

What is the dosage for methocarbamol-oral?

Musculoskeletal pain in adults:

  • Initially, take three 500 mg tablets by mouth 4 times a day for first 48 to 72 hours, then take 2 tablets by mouth 4 times a day for the maintenance of spasms.
  • If using 750 mg tablets take 2 tablets by mouth 4 times a day for the first 48 to 72 hours, then take 1 tablet by mouth every 4 hours or take 2 tablets by mouth 3 times a day for the maintenance of spasms.
  • The dose for injections is 1 gram intravenously or intramuscularly every 8 hours with a maximum dose of 3 grams per day for 3 days.
    • If needed, the same course may be repeated after a 48 hour drug free interval.

Tetanus spasms:

  • Adults: Inject 1 to 2 grams intravenously every 6 hours as needed with a maximum dose of 24 grams per day.
  • Children: Inject 15 mg/kg intravenously every 6 hours as needed.
    • The total dose should not exceed 1.8 g/m2 for 3 consecutive days.

Which drugs or supplements interact with methocarbamol-oral?

Methocarbamol can increase sedation if taken with narcotic painkillers, alcohol, sedative or hypnotic medications, and other medications that depress the central nervous system. Loss of consciousness, troubled breathing, lowered heart rate, and in severe cases death or coma can also occur.


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Is methocarbamol-oral safe to take if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

There are no adequate studies of methocarbamol to determine safe and effective use in pregnant women. Methocarbamol should be avoided in pregnant mothers to avoid any risk to the unborn.

It is not known whether methocarbamol enters breast milk. It should be avoided in nursing mothers to prevent any adverse effects to the newborn.

What else should I know about methocarbamol-oral?

What preparations of methocarbamol-oral are available?

Tablets: 500, 750 mg. Injection: 100 mg /ml

How should I keep methocarbamol-oral stored?

Store methocarbamol tablets between 20 C – 25 C (68 F – 77 F). Store methocarbamol injection preparations between temperatures of 15 C - 30 C (59 F – 86 F).

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Medically reviewed by John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP; Board Certified Emergency Medicine


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How Long Does It Take for Robaxin to Work
